
Arts for the Community Provided by the Community

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Have you ever taken a stroll through the Arts Park? Maybe you’ve been to The Henry County Concert series or attended the New Castle-Henry County Public Library Renaissance Festival. Perhaps you participated in an art class or sent a student to the Mary Morris Summer Art Days.

All of these great events are possible through the work being done at the Art Association of Henry County. Executive Director, Vickie Bertram shared their mission, “to bring arts to Henry County and support cultural experiences.”

As a nonprofit, the Art Association thrives from community support. Some of that support dates back to 1993 with the opening of an agency fund at the Henry County Community Foundation. The Art Association of Henry County Endowment Fund was created with hopes for it to continue growing and supporting the great work being done for many years to come.

That’s exactly what the fund has done. What began as a $5,000 fund now produces $21,000 yearly.

That’s money that is going into the budget and operations of the Art Association every year and contributing to the quality community events and spaces that they offer in Henry County.

The staff and volunteers are grateful for the stability this provides them. Vickie expressed, “It’s a level of financial stability that we would not have otherwise. Nonprofits often have to scramble for money. Having these payouts each year, helps us to know that we will be able to pay bills and continue to pull more people from the community into our classes and events. We are working to expand our classes, and this money gives us room to grow. It helps us breathe a little easier.”

To learn more about what it takes to start a fund like this, check out our website – or give us a call 765-529-2235.

Join us at our Women’s Grantmaking Gala on September 13th, and enjoy the beautiful Arts Park space with us.