The Henry County Community Foundation is excited to celebrate Community Foundation Week from Nov. 12-18. It’s a time set aside to recognize the vital role community foundations around the country play in addressing needs within their communities.
Community foundations have been around for over 100 years, serving as resources for generous donors to give back to the places and projects they care about. Through these combined efforts, Foundations have been able to reach countless organizations and help their communities to thrive.
Here in Henry County, the Community Foundation has been partnering with giving, caring citizens since 1985. HCCF is an independent, public entity that stewards philanthropic resources from institutional and individual donors to local nonprofits.
In conjunction with Community Foundation Week, we also celebrate National Philanthropy Day. This is a great time to recognize individuals and companies who give their time, talent, and treasure to make a difference in Henry County.
People all over the world are looking for ways to make an impact and create opportunities in their communities. Many of these individuals want something lasting and heartfelt.
Making an investment in community foundations is making a choice to advance your community, take part in growth, and watch it thrive.
To learn more about the Henry County Community Foundation follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You can also sign up for our monthly e-newsletter –