Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb declared November 15, 2020, National Philanthropy Day. Henry County Community Foundation will join in celebration to recognize the increasingly important role philanthropic organizations and individuals play in fostering local collaboration and innovation to address persistent civic and economic challenges.
“The work of philanthropy and foundations spans beyond the practice of giving. There is a tangible impact that can be seen in the lives of those who are served by these selfless organizations,” said Beverly Matthews, President and CEO. “We are more determined than ever to bring our community partners together to find innovative and effective solutions for some of our most challenging social problems and advance the most promising of opportunities to benefit our residents.”
Along with United Way of Delaware, Henry and Randolph counties, the Foundation has awarded $88,394 to address COVID-9 issues for local nonprofits in the Henry County community this year.
Indiana is home to over 1,200 foundations who gave over $2.2 billion for social causes in 2018 and is the national leader in its number of community foundations. There are over 94 community foundations, affiliates, and area funds in Indiana, serving all 92 counties. Last year, these community foundations invested more than $193 million back into local communities. Workplace giving, which contributes an estimated $5 billion to U.S. nonprofits each year, also plays an important role in making community engagement and small-scale giving accessible to Hoosiers.
These generous individuals, businesses and foundations create opportunities and permanent philanthropic resources for the current and future needs of our communities from basic human needs to creating innovative solutions that transform our towns, cities and counties.
“Individuals from all walks of life have the ability to be philanthropists in small, medium, and large ways,” shares Matthews. “With the year-end fast approaching, it’s a tremendous time for citizens to make an investment to advance their communities by donating to their employer giving program or local community foundation, and volunteering time with local nonprofits who need our support now more than ever.”
The Henry County Community Foundation, established in 1985, helps build and strengthen the community and brings together people and organizations that want to make a difference in the world. They are a tax-exempt public charity that guides philanthropy and are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the areas they serve. You can reach them at 765.529.2235 or at