Impact Stories

Make a Difference through the Women’s Circle of Friends Grantmaking Gala

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For ten years, the Henry County Community Foundation has brought together women with a passion for giving back through the Women’s Circle of Friends Grantmaking Gala. This annual event transforms a night of fun and philanthropy into life-changing support for local nonprofits.

At the gala, attendees enjoy an evening of camaraderie while making a tangible impact on their community. With a minimum $50 donation, all proceeds are pooled together to form the grant awarded to deserving nonprofits.

Nonprofit organizations in Henry County are invited to apply for the opportunity to present at the gala. Three finalists are selected to share their missions and needs with the attendees, who then vote to determine the grant recipients.

Last year, the New Castle Band Boosters were the proud recipients of the first-place grant. As Band Director Rebecca Wand shared, “The grant allowed 60 New Castle students to do what they love. Students were able to enjoy themselves and create music. Because of the grant, these students didn’t have to worry about raising more money just to get to their contests. Instead, they were able to focus on their show, enjoy the companionship of the ensemble, and just be high school students trying to do their best in an activity that brings them joy.”

This year’s gala will be held on September 10th at The Crossing on 38. We will be hosting an optional cocktail hour with a full dinner to follow provided by Ky’s Creations Catering.

Are you ready to join a powerful group of women making a difference in Henry County? The Women’s Circle of Friends Grantmaking Gala is more than just an event; it’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded women in the community, celebrate local nonprofits, and leave a lasting impact in Henry County.

For more information or to register, please call the Henry County Community Foundation at 765-529-2235 or email