New Castle High School Alumni Scholarship funds give students opportunities that may not have been available otherwise. Today, the cost of post-secondary education is skyrocketing and more and more students are facing the decision about whether or not they can afford an education.
Donate now by clicking on the scholarship fund of your choice, listed below.
New Castle High School Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund
Donate to the Walter P. Chrysler High School Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund
New Castle Class of 1965 – “With the help of scholarships, students have a higher chance of completing college!”
The New Castle Class of 1965 is creating a scholarship fund at the Henry County Community Foundation and is one of the easiest ways possible to forever impact the course of a student’s life. Once fully endowed, this scholarship will be a legacy for the Class of 1965 and pay out every year forever! This is your chance to create a better future for all.
Indiana College Costs Estimator allows individuals to compare estimated costs of Indiana colleges. Click the link to compare the costs for higher education in Indiana.
New Castle Class of 1960 – “Double Your Impact” for Homecoming 2017!
The New Castle High School Class of 1960 established their scholarship in 2003. College costs have gone up 80% since that time and challenge for classmates is to increase their scholarship endowment to a higher level. An anonymous donor will be matching all donations up to $5,000! If you donate between Sept.15 through Sept. 30 your donation will be doubled. Legacy lives on when you make a difference!