When you “Choose Henry,” you are joining thousands of others who want to help address local needs and enhance our community. Formerly known as the “Unrestricted Fund for Community Grants,” the name was changed to the “Choose Henry” Flex Fund at the Henry County Community Foundation’s board of directors meeting in April 2018.
Renaming the Fund is to help donors understand that whether it’s a $10 donation or larger, all size donations to “Choose Henry” give the Foundation the flexibility to respond to today’s needs and future opportunities for the community.
Some of the largest impact grants from the Flex fund in the past have been to assist economic development with putting in infrastructure on 400 South which helped develop sites where TS Tech, Boar’s Head and Micronutrients have invested and provided over 1,000 jobs.
Investing in the Henry County Ivy Tech Community College campus is preparing local citizens for better jobs and wouldn’t have been possible without donors’ contributions to “Choose Henry.”
In addition, the “Choose Henry” Flex Fund, enabled the Foundation to provide $100,000 for Match Day, 2017 which generated nearly $350,000 for local nonprofits.
The Foundation awarded $336,000 from the “Choose Henry” Flex Fund to address needs and opportunities in 2019, but there can be so much more when you partner with everyone else’s individual donations–how ever big or small. If you want to make an investment in our community that benefits now and in the future, “Choose Henry” and good things will happen.
Donate to the “Choose Henry” Flex Fund by clicking here.