- Paul & Marian Prior Estate
- 4P Properties LLC
- David and Beverly Abel
- Elliott and Betts Adams
- Agrilink Foods/Pro-Fac Foundation
- Steve and Tanya Alford
- James T. Allen
- Allstate Insurance Company
- Ameriana Bank
- Ameriana Insurance Agency
- Jack and Kathy Anderson
- Romel and Mary Antolin
- Nancy F. Antrim Estate
- Mary Lea Apple
- Dr. Richard and Sally Armstrong
- Art Association of Henry County
- AT&T
- Steve and Lori Atkinson
- Herb and Hallie Axe
- Jerry and Stirl Back
- Harry and Karen Bailey
- William and Adaline Bailey
- William Baker
- Jane A. Baker
- Ball State University-Carmichael Hall
- Bank One, Richmond
- Dr. Matthew and Carrie Barrett
- Jack and Cynthia Basler
- Alan Beattey
- Believe and Achieve Mentoring
- Noel and Lillie Blevins
- Blountsville Firemans Association
- Blue River Valley Optimist Club
- BNI – Henry County Chapter
- Dr. Philip and Wilma Borders
- Doug and Laurie Bowers
- Michael and Barbara Bowers
- Thomas and Sheila Bowers
- Tim and Julie Bowers
- Cassie Bowers
- Bob and Margaret Bowman
- Mark and Sarah Bowman
- Marilyn Bowman
- Alfred and Sarah Braddock
- Douglas and Judy Bravard
- Ida M. Bravard
- Jennie Brewster
- Robert and Nancy Brinson
- and Mary Broome
- Brown and Brown
- Helen F. Brown
- Tara Brown
- Mike and Patty Broyles
- Mary Brumback
- Robert and Linda Jo Buggle
- Herb and Judy Bunch
- Larry and Patricia Bundy
- Bud and Sally Bunton
- Nina Jane Burke
- Roger Burke
- Dr. Arthur B. Burnett Trust
- David and Celia Burns
- Maribeth Taylor
- Severin and Mary Lee Buschmann
- George and Susan Caldwell
- Delinda J. Caldwell
- Mary Caldwell
- Viva Campbell Trust
- Cancer Society of Henry County, Inc.
- Randy Carlton
- June E. Cassady
- Central Church of Chicago Foundation
- Central Indiana Communications, INC
- CFH Enterprises, LLC
- Anne Chambers
- Cinergy Foundation, Inc.
- Citizens State Bank
- Citizens State Bank Employees
- City of New Castle
- Dan and Kathleen Clawson
- John P. Cleveland
- John and Joan Cleveland
- Clouse Concrete Construction, Inc.
- Wilbur M. Coffin
- Dennis and Lori Couch
- Jerry and Marjorie Cox
- Ruth S. Creech
- Family of Dick Culy
- Thomas and Bonnie Dailey
- D.C. and Patricia Danielson
- Danny and Patty Danielson Estate
- Ottis David Fairchild Estate
- Davis Family Foundation
- Suzanne Davis
- John and Brenda Dean
- Peter and Pamela DePrez
- E.J. and Dorothy Dickerson
- John Dickey Estate
- Dr. David and Lydia Dickey
- Roger and Renee Dickinson
- Dietz Electric, Inc.
- Bonita Dietz
- Nellie G. Dodds
- Dora C Wrin Estate
- Kim and Susan Drackett
- Kelli Dudley
- Duke Energy
- Dr. Cloyd and Mary Lou Dye
- East Central Opportunities INC
- Harriet Chambers Eden
- Sylvia J. Edwards
- Morris and Shirley Edwards
- Dr. Ross and Lynn Egger
- Charles E. Egger
- Dr. Daniel and Carole Eichhorn
- Elmer Eichhorn
- Elks Lodge No. 484
- Emerel G. Waters Trust
- Lana Enlow
- ERB Lumber
- Josh and Jan Estelle
- Dr. James P. Fadely
- Edith Fahr
- Robert and Lucille Farmer
- Financial Sec. Assurance, Inc.
- First Friends Meeting
- First Merchants
- First Presbyterian Church
- Firstmark Capital, LLC
- John and Sharon Fisher Jr.
- Dr. William B. Fisher
- Shirley Fitzgerald
- David and Christiana Franklin
- Richard P. Franklin
- Ejner (Jeep) and Bette Freeburg Jr.
- Greg Freeman
- Merritt and Rita Freer
- Floyd and Shirley Freer
- Benjamin and Patricia French
- David Frost
- Ray O. Frost Estate
- Frost Framing
- Scott Frost
- William F. Fuller Estate
- Joseph and Kay Fuller
- William F. Fuller
- G K Hodson Irrevocable Trust
- Jeff and Kimberly Galyen
- Pascal E. Garner
- Robert and Mildred Garner
- Ruth M. Garner
- James L. Garvin Estate
- James and Carolyn Garvin
- Stuart and Bev Garvin
- Jan Garvin
- GEO Group, Inc. – New Castle Correctional Facility
- Donald and Betty Geozeff
- Betty O’Neal Giboney
- David Gibson
- Kyle and Cindy Gibson
- Roger and Anna Golden
- Goodwin Bros. Automobile Co., Inc.
- Edward and Karol Goodwin
- Maurice and Carol Goodwin
- Dr. Phyllis Grant
- David and Marsha Gratner
- Dr. Joseph and Greta Grider
- Robert and Jaci Hadsell
- Dean Hahn Estate
- Dennis and Dr. Cathy Hamilton
- Duke and Catherine Hamm
- Hurshel Hankenhoff
- Beverly Hankenhoff
- Barbara Jordan Hansen
- Harold E. Caine Estate
- Charline Harvey
- Robert C. Haugh
- Hayes Copenhaver Crider Harvey LLP
- Mary Phyllis Hayes
- Scott and Mary Jane Hayes
- William and Ruth Hayworth
- Healthy Communities of Henry County
- Barbara Heck
- Lee R. Heck
- Ann Heilman
- Henrico, Inc.
- Henry Community Health Administration
- Henry County 200
- Henry County 4-H Livestock Auction
- Henry County Community Foundation
- Henry County Community Foundation, Inc.
- Henry County Heart Society
- Henry County Medical Society
- Henry County Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc.
- Henry County Pork Producers Association
- Henry County Saddle Club
- Henry County Sheriff’s Department
- Henry County United Fund
- Henry County YMCA
- Eugene and Janet Hermenet
- Hinsey-Brown Funeral Service, Inc.
- Bruce Hinshaw
- Patricia Hinshaw
- Merle and Patricia Hinton
- Historic Knightstown, Inc.
- Honey Creek United Methodist Church
- Hoosier Gym Comm. Center of Knightstown. Inc.
- Carol Hoover
- Jeri Horn
- Howard Marshall Estate
- Sally Howard
- Bill and Judy Hubbard
- Allan B. Hubbard
- Hubie King III Scholarship Fundraiser
- Frank Hutcheon
- Independent Colleges of Indiana
- Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame
- Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
- Indiana State Medical Association
- Indiana University East-Richmond Campus
- Indiana University Foundation
- Irving Materials. Inc.
- Olive Jackman
- Timothy and Miriam Jackson
- Esther Jacobs
- James Advantage Funds
- Paul and Janine Janssen
- Gloria D. Jennings
- John R. Weaver Trust
- Johnathan Strong Memorial Poker Run
- Kevin and Mary Lee Jones
- Robert Jones
- Donald and Patsy Joyner
- Junette Sue Hughes Chance Estate
- Kennard Christian Church
- Michael and Georgianne Kent
- Mervin D. Kilmer
- Wayne Klein
- Knightstown Public Library
- Lyle and Janet Koger
- Mary George Kronstadt
- Don Lacy
- Christopher LaMothe
- Michael and Linda Langford
- John and Patti Lansinger
- Dennis and Margaret Lazaraton
- Diana Lee
- Dr. John D. Lee
- Edwin Lee
- Harold E. Lee
- Fred and Nancy Lewis
- Lightsource Renewable Energy, LLC
- Lilly Endowment Inc
- Kaye Lindsey
- Michael and Teresa Lohrey
- Lois Wiggins Newman Fund
- Pierre Long
- Raintree Habitat for Humanity
- Marvin Luellen
- Dr. Blair and Alice MacPhail
- Gerald and Pat Malott
- Karen Marcum
- Mary J. Graham Decedent’s Trust
- Elizabeth M. Mastin
- Duane and Beverly Matthews
- R.T. and Margaret Mayhill
- Bruce McCall
- Candy McClure
- Gary McClurg
- Judge David and Kathy McCord
- Robert and Cyndi McCorkle
- Walter and JoAnn McCormack
- Frank and Lauretta McDonald
- Dr. Wylie and J. Ann McGlothlin
- Jameson McGrew
- McKown Studio & Galleries
- Donald and Martha McNeil
- John Melton
- Memorial Wesleyan Church
- Patricia J Meredith
- Meridian Health Services
- Gary and Lana Merritt
- Metz Foundation
- Dr. Gary and Jeanine Ann Metzger
- Middletown United Methodist Church
- Middletown Volunteer Fire Department
- Byron and Elizabeth Ann Miller
- Barney and Nan Miller
- John F. Miller
- James and Ruth Ann Millikan
- Nathan and Melissa Millikan
- Mission Product Holdings, Inc.
- Modernfold, Inc.
- Dr. Charles and Sheryl Modlin
- Estate of Steven T. Morris
- Douglas and Christine Morris
- Mt. Summit Christian Church
- Francis Mundell
- Mary Janet Mustin
- LaRue Myers
- Richard and Bonnie Myers
- Dr. James and Judy Myers
- Todd and Colleen Myers
- National Philanthropic Trust
- Mike Neal and Susan Falck-Neal
- Lillian T. Nelson
- New Castle Alumni Association
- New Castle Breakfast Optimists
- New Castle Chrysler High School
- New Castle Clinic, Inc.
- New Castle Evening Kiwanis Club
- New Castle Fire Department
- New Castle Henry County Youth Baseball League Inc.
- New Castle High School
- New Castle High School Student Government
- New Castle Kiwanis Club
- New Castle Lions Club
- New Castle-Henry County Chamber of Commerce
- New Castle-Henry County Public Library
- Linda Newman
- Lois Newman
- Carl W. Nichols
- Ninestar Communications
- Norfleet – Golf Outing
- Norfleet Enterprises
- Offisource
- James and Jean Overmyer
- Kathleen M. Painter
- Gail J. Parka
- Parkview Family Dentistry, P.C.
- John and Alice Pasnau
- Dr. Raymond and Karen Pavy
- Rex and Lori Peckinpaugh
- Perfect Circle Credit Union
- L. and Bobbie Perkins
- Paul F. Pfenninger
- Steve and Lisa Pfenninger
- Claxton and Estelle Pfenninger
- John and Jane Pidgeon
- Luther A. Pidgeon
- Ray A. Pierce
- Charles and Bernice Popplewell
- Charles G. and Maria Preble
- Paul and Marian Prior
- Pritchett’s Backhoe Service
- Robert and Tina Provost
- Duane and Peggie Queener
- Ginger L. Jessop Rains
- Raintree Square
- Billy Ratliff
- James and Joyce Ray
- Jeffrey and Judy Ray
- Red-tail Land Conservancy
- Reeves Foundation Inc.
- Douglas and Myrna Reeves
- Adam and Liz Reeves
- Jack and Nancy Renner
- Charles and Rosalie Riley
- Richard and Carolyn Riley
- David B. and Leighan Rinker
- John and Zina Risley
- Helen Risley
- James A. Robbins
- Terry Roberts
- James W. Rohrback
- Dr. Lindsey R. Rolston
- O.C. and Muriel Rosenblatt
- Ross Lawns & Landscaping, LLC
- Dr. David Roth
- Juanita Jane Rucker
- William Rudolph
- Gene and Sarah Rummel
- Richard A. Russell
- Joe and Carla Ryan
- Charles Sahlberg
- Jeffrey and Mary Sahlberg
- William and Patricia Saint Jr.
- Nancy Pfohl Saint
- Charlotte Sanders Trust
- Patsy J. Sanders
- George and Dana Schindler
- Franklin Schwegman and Judy Heavin-Schwegman
- Joseph and Greta Scodro
- E.G. Scotten
- Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana
- Ronald and Leslie Seibel
- Verl and Betty Shaffer Estate
- Shenandoah Scholarship Foundation
- Juanita Sheward
- John and Laura Shondell
- Bud and Linda Shore
- Wesley and Carolyn Shupert
- Dr. Kyle and Christin Siewert
- Slick Engineering Industries, Inc.
- Rex and June Slick
- Smiley Body Shop, Inc.
- Jeff and Kathy Smiley
- John and Anita Smiley
- Aaron and Jill Smith
- South Henry Scholarship Fund, Inc.
- William and Michele Sponsler
- Jennifer Sponsler
- Bradford and Danielle Sry
- Mark Stamper
- STAR Financial Bank
- State of Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
- Jeffrey and Karen States
- Phyllis States
- Seth and Amy Stevens
- Stifel Trust Company
- Hazel R. Stohler
- Straughn Alumni Association
- Dr. Richard and Laura Strong
- Stuart and Joan Bowers
- Sulphur Springs Christian Church
- Wayne Swayzee
- Tague Excavating, Inc.
- Kevin Tague
- Todd Thalls
- The Duke Energy Foundation
- The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
- The McCormick Family
- The Perelman Family Foundation, Inc.
- The Sarah A. Hoke Rev Trust
- Ruth Theole
- Dr. Neil and Norma Thornhill DDS
- Donald L. Tower Family Trust Estate
- Paul and Sherry Trainor
- Trilogy Health Services, LLC
- Karen A. Trissler
- Tri-State Forestry Services, Inc.
- Tyler Atkinson Memorial
- United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
- V.F.W.- Gold Star Post #1282
- Dorothy S. Vaughan
- Olene Veach
- Robert and Joyce Veach
- Frederick Vonnahme
- Jerry Wade
- Michael Walker Trust Fund
- Betty J. Walker
- Dr. Paul and Kathy Walker
- Charlotte Walker
- Wal-Mart Foundation
- Daniel and Debi Ware
- Danny and Janet Watson
- Wayne K. Tague Memorial Fund
- Helen Weaver Estate
- Steven and Denise Weidert
- David and Jean Weimer
- Keith and Sherrell Welcker
- Westwood Country Club
- Edna C. Wheeler
- Don and Mary White
- Jennifer K. Wilfong
- Joyce Wilhelm
- Beth Willard
- William E. Jones Memorial Trust Fund
- Anthony and Terri Williams
- Dr. Larry and Phyllis Williams
- Marilyn Williams
- Nancy Williams
- Myra E. Williams
- Ms Ima C. Wirth
- Kent and Judy Wisecup
- Wisehart & Phillips
- Robert and Jean Wisehart
- Bob and Elizabeth Witham
- Randall E. Woods
- Robert and Anita Workman
- Jerry M. Wright Trust